Shark Communications

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"Un Nouveau Blogue" for Quebec Realtor Murielle Pelletier

Several months ago we launched a small blog, North Hatley Real Estate for a Canadian client, real estate agent Murielle Pelletier, and just last week we added some new graphics from her Canadian agency, Murielle works in English and French - la même chose pour Shark. And as a bilingual agency we are continuing to collect more and more clients from north of the border. Like a lot of real estate agents, Murielle is quickly finding out that her blog offers more advantages to her marketing efforts than her existing web site which is somewhat old, outdated and clunky to operate. Blog publishing platforms, come loaded with state-of-the-art technology designed to connect very quickly to search engines and the internet in general. Because they are easily updateable by their "lay" owners, new content - more often,  tends to push them up in the search rankings.