Shark Communications

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Boosting conversion and engagement with video.

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As we design and launch new landing pages for Bank Rhode Island with full-screen video as a primary strategy, we waned to offer some evidence on why you should consider using the same tactic. Studies have shown that video on landing pages can increase conversion by as much as 80% and for good reason – video is an entertaining, visual medium that allows people to connect emotionally with content and products that they otherwise wouldn't be able to with plain text. Here are a few more reasons to use video on your landing page:

  1. Videos increases the length of time people stay on your page, giving your brand message longer to sink in. Think of video as the bait that draws people in – it's flashy, engaging, and keeps visitors focused on the page and away from the "Back" button.

  2. Video serves as validation for your product or service. If you feature yourself or company employees in the video, the trust factor is raised significantly because you're putting a face on your business. Video is a great way to answer those initial questions that a consumer goes through as they decide between you vs. your competition.

  3. People are lazy and prefer to watch instead of read. Humans are visual learners: it's the way we are programmed and it's the reason why TV is this generation's radio or newspaper. Keep your video short and to the point, but also make sure it's compelling to viewers.

Video is changing the web and the way people interact with it. Boost conversions and take advantage of all that video has to offer, with video landing pages by Shark. Contact us today to learn more.